Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25000
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Tranquil Mediation



Views: 251
Her door was the sanctuary to inner peace; a sudden enlightenment Engaging the candle of lit eyes. Mindful to the calm hush; Disappearing in self. Body, Mind, Soul. Beside her door there was a lake wide awake with open ears. I stood there Absorbing her wisdom. A depth of kindness with each interchanging current. I learned to speak without words. Connecting thine eyes with hers. All else was swallowed; Exhaling, then breathing again. Fingers extinguishing all else that threatened a light shone from her. Her Eyes. She'd shone me courage, grasping my hand. Entwining her path with mine. I bowed to her and her alone in guided mediation. At that moment there was no need for mirrors, realizing that she was my reflection. My spirit animal, my refugee. She taught me the language of her heart, being shown in silence. I journeyed a place ears would have no use, my tongue becoming a stranger. A total embodiment to the gift of her and her alone. A beautiful lesson in poverty; Clinching my hands in prayer.                                                               Blessed in her presence  

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LP45 says:

You go kewayne! This was absolutely beautiful. Loved your imagery. Thank you for sharing. Write on!

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