tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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Feeling like an angel



Views: 250


So high in the clouds above the city
Is how I feel right now
I don't even want to come down and have my feet touch the ground
Higher and higher is where I want to go
I have dreams of meeting God 
What a surprise that would be! 
I'm excited to be who I'm suppose to be
Because God designed me differently it feels so good to be me
I'm not bragging
Just feeling free
When I need help 
God becomes my necessity
I'm grateful for the job that God blessed me with
I promise I will never quit
Yeah! That Jesus Christ is my pride and joy
Nobody know him like I do
No I'm not a toy
I retired from the games
A long time ago
Looking down at the people who did drama to me
I let that go 
Why waste my time and energy on no good people who didn't appreciate me back in the day
Look at me now 
"Feeling like an Angel"
Take a bow
Sitting next to me is God
You can't see him but I can 
He is high above the stars
People ask me who is he to me
I tell him he is my man!
They start to get mad because I'm not on they side
Sorry God gave me everything I had

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