A'Briana Nichelle | Poetry Vibe
A'Briana Nichelle
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The remembrance of me



Views: 116
The Remembrance of Me.... A small girl growing up learning to know her Learning to know what she likes and dislikes As she constantly battles with not knowing who she really is She struggles to remember the remembrance of her As she grows and grows she's noticing different things Different changes different swings Still not knowing the remembrance of her She finally finds her way but instantly something comes among her and stray her away from the importance of knowing her In a cruel world that's full of hate and betrayal But still no remembrance of her As she walks the beach on a sunny day full of laughter and smiles she leaves behind her footsteps wondering now would they really know the remembrance of me As the water comes along the it washes away her footprints not realizing it's only sand She just wanted something in remembrance of her Plenty days of troubles and happiness she remembers how she have achieved many things and been through many struggles To overcome those obstacles I know there's others that I helped along the way and the help and knowledge I gained A family of her own that God trusted her to look after and care for and love beyond She raises with strength and belief I remember how I overcome and conquered Now I know the "Remembrance Of Me"

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