hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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so today I tip my hat to the proverbial aristocrat with big suit

nothing could be finer then to be in her vagina in the morning

languished inside I'm falling apart at the seams with an evil means

she sits enthroned as women liberation is heading out across the nation

just like Big Pun I'm having a bit of fun & I'm off on the run

coming to a theatre near you we have bitten off far more then we could ever chew

but nothing is new this is true about little boy blew cause he needed the money

society is blind you see that's why we need poetry to face reality

strong against the resistance we got an army of forces tripping on horses

she was there from the very beginning not a one stop shopping event at your local seven eleven


learn from her as a lost seagull on the ocean with its magic potion

drink her wine of enticement she barricades her ambitions as if she was a zombie

listen closely and you we here a whisper then the shedding of a tear she draws ever near

in good times and bad either happy or sad she is there and she cares

the ellurement of her charm as she breathes in the exhaust of polluted air

a woman's hair with a baby's eyes does all of this come as a sweet surprise

drink in her poision shove it in the oven just don't call me a kissing cousin


pleasure is a trip when you think with your and you realize nobody gives a

can't even wink to dismiss this earthly miss with a time well spent in thought

she likes the city lights as a corporate slut in a heavy world that's in quite a rush

her sweeyt melody is in a song can't we all just get along

a reason to believe what will one be willing to achieve

always has something up her sleave so mysterious in her red dress

tears flow through the solace of the evening on her tolerant imagination

perhaps in need of a break on a long awaited vacation

angelic prowess, lavender dust, ellegance &

on some days she's actually a witch with a broom stick flyinf around going midtown

yet she's alwas a woman to me in what she is willing to achieve

yet she fights, she ***s & she wars


she basks in the vast expanse between space and time along in her thoughts

likes to be wined, dined & 69 thinking everything is quite fine

yet she kicks it to the curb as if you heard not to disturb a single word

choices, voices & chances

likes a little Barry White heard on the side at night by her bubble bath

soft pillows with linen sheets a given chance at which to meet and greet

needs to be the center of attention as if she created a brand new invention

she's intellectualized, queen and the of mean

yet others are not so they are pious and ready to go

chosen vessels down by the river Nile so you will know all the great while

she dances on a ring of fire yet throws off a challenge with a shrug

she loves to be love as she eats her milky way having lucid dreams with hay


warm and tender is her heart she will light the spark to where you need to go

eternity can't dismiss her cause angels will have to whisper her sweet angelic name

man is lost without her as he goes about his day having no one to play

she may act as a mistress so you will have to dismiss this logical persuasion in thought

she like a hen beside her rooster yet not to abuse her

she exists in each of us as if a haunt with a joint in her hand

let the reader understand you can't keep sticking it to the man

both needs each other with hearts that are tender in a full surrender

she will labor for the legal tender in a busted up fender

she can be whacked in the head with a face filled with dread


yet she walks tender miles is wise as heights uncharted

she was once there in my dream as a masterpiece so very clean

living in a land that's so very mean

she can control and you will do as you are told until the very rights to you are sold












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