Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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White washed



Views: 133

You ask me, rather you tell me to follow the law and everything will be alright, well let me give you a quick history lesson, you didn’t ask my peoples did they wanna take a boat trip, but you took em anyway and then you told them to pray to a white man with blue eyes and follow the lies of saying this is God’s plan, you raped my cousins, six time great aunties and grandmothers, separated their sisters from their brothers, half them n****s were used to breed, half them n****s was used to entertain in sport, and an occasional n***a kissed yaso good that he got to sit at the dinner table with a spoon, knife and fork, hold on I ain’t done yet, my people would later set up shop in Oklahoma, and you bombed that, The Black Panthers came along and you destroyed that, but damn Klan meetings still going strong to this day, with the grand wizard parading around in a toupee, so now I understand why that s**t is truly called the white house, yet you’re upset when my people open they mouth, spitting out the injustice that you have fed us on a silver platter, we told you black lives matter, we said that we can’t breathe, we took knee upon knee, and the only thing you could tell us is live in a country that allows you to make millions, everyone has the same opportunities nowadays, and my personal favorite, I can’t be racist, I have three black friends...well when you know that exact amount of color that is existing in your whitewashed world, you racist than a muthaf***a, trust me, I am not a sucka, cause I may not know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop, but I know three steps out of your vehicle as a black man is justification to get blasted by the cops, or wait, we don’t have to be in a car anymore, cause a blue b***h could come in your front door, shoot you dead and then y’all search his apartment as if he was the culprit, and you mad cause I won’t bow to your beliefs, you must think it’s cool to throw water in a pan of hot grease, or you really think we ain’t paying attention, and did I mention that 72% of all recipients of welfare are of your skin tone, did I mention that 99% of mass shootings in America are done by those who eat stuffing and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, and it’s sad to mention that it’s your kind f**king five year old boys in the catholic church, but that must be part of God’s plan as you say, cause your God probably resembles Jared from Subway, your God probably burned the Garden of Eden, and since your God couldn’t walk on water, they sailed over it and walked over dead native Americans, so how in the good f**k can you build a border fence to keep illegals out when you’re already here, but you say I’m the problem, you say I’m a thug, you love to spill about my black on black violence, you say all we do is complain, well let me explain, I’m not a college dropout, I’m not a cop out, I don’t throw rocs at a glass house, I graduated summa cum lade by word of mouth, I don’t *** with gold diggas and neither do I *** with b***h n****s who parade around wearing red hats, so don’t have him speak for us, cause trust, the voice of a real black man, will never ever, be spoken with compromise


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POWERFUL!!! 100% Proof

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