jwins | Poetry Vibe
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Forsaken Cries



Views: 226

My eyes are gritty

From the debris of ashes that scatters in the winds.

They form as shadowy ghosts of our ancestors.

Their lives have been taken... As their cries were forsaken.

And even my very own tears have dried

Like the Sahara Desert.

No longer... do they bear witness to the indignation

That afflicts my soul.

How much longer must I weather this quiet storm that "reigns" within?

Like a voice in the wilderness pleading to a people that I love.

But they rebuke me to be as a child that cries wolf.

They refuse to take heed.

What more can I do?

I can only serve them the plate.

But I can't force them to eat.

TMH!... Dertermines to whom he feeds.

So... until then...

The blind sees no evil...

The deaf hears no evil...

And the dumb... are under the strong delusions of inclusions.

Such a strondhold of sorcery.

Yet! Redemption... draws nigh for his elect...

Jen'uwin Mor 


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

The minds' of the heirs of the Ancestors are chosen to quietly listen to theri whispers; listen and understand, then you will be pointed to the mission. Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

Nice piece

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