I rather have one than
a million following me
to keep up with who
ever is behind me the
back is a vulnerable
side it don't have eyes
to see what's coming
I rather you walk by my
side that way I can
look over and see who's
with me and I'll be
with you too some people
will pretend to like you
in their heart plan to
spite you even a rattle
stake can sneak up
and bite you there are
some who don't like
you and you know they
don't like you but
strange enough they
wanna be like you
breathe the air you
breathe eat from the
same fruit tree drink
from your cup until
they drink it all up
beware of these they
will draw blood from
you a pint or two
until you're drained
this is how to discern
them you'll feel your
energy depleting when
ever you're around
them "get from around
them" they mean
you no good and every
bit of harm I speak
from experience I
know what I'm talking
about got my legs
knocked from under
me by someone who
didn't expect me to
walk out "I walked out"
and been walking
ever since every skunk
has a scent the nose
on your face is to sniff
if it don't smell right
it's some sh*t in the mix