The Rest (0272025) the poet is filled with more than the poet pour there's always some substance left
at the bottom of the
bottle a drop a drip
a sip a swallow the
poet vessel is never completely hollow |
We Be Out (0252025) I used to be a dreamer
until I had a nightmare
too scared to close my eyes don't like to be surprised alert and aware who's that standing over there in the dark cover of the room eyes open ready for anything don't like when it suddenly rain it's not in the forecast I googled the weather I asked 30% chance used to be a sunny day is it fog or smog polluting the air I can't tell the difference between sky and firmament is life a prison is the stay permanent is freedom a place or is it just a state of mind if times not real then what is the hour now when will power shower down probably won't be here to see it go down probably gone miss the showdown I love me a good hoedown kicking up dust dancing up a storm breaking shackles destroying walls of resistance it's a metaphor pointing out spiritual warfare balancing the scale to be fair equal share is long over due it's time to sue for more than millions together we be billions only sheep got wool pulled over the eyes don't fall for the ... |
Side Effects (0252025) a good laugh makes you cry when was the last time you cried when was the last time you wiped good tears from your eyes when was the last time you laughed until you cried felt pain in your side when was the last time you let out a strong burst of laughter increased your heart rate causing changes in your blood pressure and momentarily disrupted the blood flowing to your brain that lead to a loss of consciousness a good laugh can make you cry hurt your side cause you to have irregular heartbeat change your blood pressure stop blood from flowing to your brain that's something to think about and nothing to laugh about
My Cart (0252025) I be mental shopping my but off
I got a lot of items in
my cart I have yet to
checkout and pay for
things I ain't got means to pay for
right now been in my cart so long some items are now unavailable or out of stock but in my mind I
can't help but think someone keeps stealing stuff out my cart
Me In The Glass (0252025) could I be the present me in the present without first being the past me in the past standing in front of a mirror looking forward to being the future me |
A Course For Adventure (0242025) creating enemies on the inside is a imploding situation exploding on the outside where dogs walk children run and play life goes on each and every day
"THE PLANE THE PLANE" explain the plane shed some light on the hidden shadows is it Diversity Equity Inclusion
Artificial Intelligence or Aliens in UFOS here on Fantasy Island waiting for the Love Boat to make another run promising something for everyone if you see a shark in the water don't forget to scream "SHARK"
A Pill To Swallow (0232025) you open your eyes during surgery you don't see the surgeon
you don't see the
nurse you don't know
why you hurt you
don't see the incision
you open the medicine
cabinet you reach for the bottle of aspirin
you don't know you took two placebos
you don't know if its
enough to do the job
you don't know you being worked on then suddenly the pain you felt is gone you don't
know the medicine
you took is not that
strong you don't know
how many times you
been under the knife
you don't know how
many times the unseen surgeon had to
close your eyes open you up reach inside and save your life
you don't know you
a sinner under a halo |
The Message In The Mess (0232025) mistakes I made created a mood sparked a movement to improve mistakes I made remind me to do better next time and be thankful for a next time to better than before and what ever it was I did don't do it no more I made so many mistakes I can't keep the score every door I ever walked through lead to more opening some closed behind me some I closed in the face of disappointment mistakes matter when they lead to something better than unshakable regret |
Think Not (0232025) if anybody ask you what
you think about what's
been going on the best thing
you can do for you is tell em
"I don't know " this is what I
know people pick your brain
to tear your thoughts apart
they don't give a damn about
what you think they just try
to get close enough to reach
in and snatch out your heart
Count Up To Come Up (0232025) the world intense the fog dense
decisions decisions on the fence
powers of the air losing course
hidden hand find the source
maybe tomorrow perhaps today
wagging the dog sit boy stay
situation of fierce competition
cost of eggs high like chicken
on strike sharp increase in the
magnitude of life steer the wheel
still must drive into the decline
rays by sun into power we shall rise