tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
getting back into my poetry grind

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"Department Store"


just different

Views: 164

So many varieties flowing through my tunnel vision 

My mind is so confused on who I need to choose

The selection is circling like riding an merry go round up and down my eyes go on this online catalog that's an mile long

Let me get on my good shoes on so I can walk in the best selection of the department store with the upmost grace and style

I choose you, you, and you like perfume let me smell your cologne let me what you got going on 

I smell your con artist description lies all throughout your eyes step up your qualities come into reality 

Down to two men which one will stand to get this rose in my hand

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Blessing in your shopping onward. Peace and Love.

Tiffanyr says:

@mlowe5 Thanks for the blessing. Peace and Love to you as well.

love_supreme says:

Very nice

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Tiffanyr says:

Thanks for the great comment love_supreme

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