tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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"Lonely Hearts "



Views: 88
Our love testimony started off like an personal ad with our own personal newspaper Just doing our story of our wants and needs in our bio had butterflies in our stomachs before we even had the courage to give out our digits yes we had the 80/90s puppy love instantly despite of what opinions of others stated Gifts of affirmation I got spoiled from you being on cloud 9 dreaming of more quality time along with our own storyline in the sky I wrote an chapter on us in the form of online happiness, now we are like ocean waves feet away from one another on different ocean wavelengths Distant like the stars is how empty I feel without you , I'm dreaming I thought our paradise was true Sleeplessness nights I reminisce question like an interrogation the uncalled emptiness you cause on your end leaving me on unread leaving me void in my head in an hollow bed

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