Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Pathology of Negativity



Views: 380

Recognizing the psychology of spiritual microbiology
Not animated micro organisms but the spirit of man and its detrimental pathology

Pathological death spreads through the spoken verse
A man may unwillingly disperse
Truth is, man becomes his own blessing or curse
Situations viewed in an improper perspective could only bring about the mans worse

The worse thoughts could only escalate the emotional instability
We ourselves create more lack of stability and loss of tranquility
The ability to have spiritual and hyper emotional elasticity
Is the very effect that’s truly needed!
To not let go and have uprooted or weeded
Systematic, melancholic with a hint of phlegmatic negativity
Lose your over sensitivity
Our deepest insecurities peering into the eyes of others
Finding disclosure
Fearing the undesired exposure

Exposure of the weakness of each and all living beings
The very things hidden and suppressed for others to not be seeing

We can not forever hide the pride
That should be dead, if not then get ready to have it locked up and tied
It just does not coincide
With emotional
Psychosomatic insomniac
Truly having a spirit that’s unruly
I admit I am a grammarholic

Using words in over dose
Step a bit more close
I could offer the world a kind of repose
Lick the thorn of the rose
A miracle of words, are what I compose
Don’t try to trash my words and have them disposed
By doing so only proves a nerve I touched and a weakness has been exposed!

A bad disposition can place your face into a bad position
Situational maneuvering is what is expected
A sensitive nerve has been detected
Tired of paying attention to those
Who seek my retirement of words
I shall forever ‘til my flesh expires
Utilize the power of nouns, adjectives, pronouns and verbs
To never curb the words that which I easily disperse
In any and every single digital verse
Never time enough to sit down and rehearse!

Thus my words are just passed on the very second they are thought of
Fighting within ‘self’, to not allow myself to shelve the other halves
My brain is the mother of many electronic calves
The words are the herd
Just so you understand what you read or heard
I may be slightly disturbed
Thus SkTzO is the name taken and used
Because when I was younger
I was meticulously refused and abused
Caused me to grow up to be verbally diabolical and confused

Several characters in my mind were born and raised
Off of my tumultuous life they have grazed

Constantly taken bites and eaten
From the many times life nearly had me beaten
Words of silence could be so deafening
Deaf to the blind and blind sided to the deaf who can speak just fine
I now choose to wine and dine in lyrical lines when I think and jot down my rhymes
To over emphasize the times when my mind declined to recline
So I now sit & dine with the best of those who put words together to rhyme

I have come to a point in my life
That I have decided to let go of negativity
So I can get a better reception
Never speaking in a method of deception

Using the hanger to try to receive the appropriate wave signal
Grammatic, highly enigmatic celibate words
Of relevance used for an allegorical symbol

I must end this light matter
Out of good manner
To allow you to digest the verbiage of usage
Sweet to the mouth but bitter to your tummy
Speaking in many formats to reach the hearts of any and all
Determine your life and path now
Before you fall and will be then forced to crawl
Weeping with teeth gnashing at the door of the banquet hall

The time is now to decide
In God take a moment to pray to and sincerely confide
From His presence, many will one day soon run away from and hide

Begging for mountains to fall upon their head
But God will make death flee
So they can be dead
They will suffer unimaginable yet articulated pain
But that can all be deterred by letting me refer
You, to the Shepard of the great herd!

Just remember
Your crown could never be taken
But can be handed to God by your refusal
Humanities obvious abuse
Abuse, always seeking to refuse and refute
Speak loud like a mute
So God into your heart can travel and commute

Dwell in your essence to then live out His divine will and character
Fill your soul up with continuous joy, peace, gratitude and laughter.

Take a moment to bow and not bob your head instead
For his 66 book love letter to humanity was written with ink that was red
His blood was poured
To create a cosmological detour

So take his route
Learn what He is all about
By just internally confidently believing
That He could help you and love you unconditionally
Not sadistic or masochistically
But as a father and friend
He will be there for you to the very end…

Just bow, believe and open your heart
That is what will truly distinguish you from the rest
Destroy the pathology of pain in your chest
And only He will give you true divine rest
And will only allow what will bring our best!


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