17 x brick |
Puppet 21100
Strings taut ~ the doll twists just D a n c e sleight of hands listen ~ to the... |
The Immortal Wize
PRO MEMBER 100 x brick |
You Know 454600
you know what this is you know how you know what this is you know what this is because it's a feeling you felt before no one can tell you it's not that when you know it is you never forget a feeling no matter how long ago you felt it a feeling can...
Say it nicely 2400
Do you like it sweet? Sprinkle some sugar on top So my revolting opposition can be Digestible Would you like it warm? Can't have it too hot Or else Your ego might get burned Don't sit it out too long Or your ***s to give will get fro... |
The Immortal Wize
PRO MEMBER 100 x brick |
That 454600
you know what this is you know how you know what this is you know what this is because it's a feeling you felt before no one can tell you it's not that when you know it is you never forget a feeling no matter how long ago you felt it a feeling can...
The Immortal Wize
PRO MEMBER 100 x brick |
Be You 454600
it's not that that don't like you as much it's they not looking like you they don't have nothing in common with you and you don't have nothing in common with them you different be different stay different don't change a thing about you it's not th...
The Immortal Wize
PRO MEMBER 100 x brick |
Leave 454600
you didn't get on the plane you didn't board the train you missed the bus the ship sailed without you those awaiting your arrival knew you were running late but still thought you were on the way so they continued to wait but you changed your mind...
Walkin The Walk 242800
Remember growin up in the rough and tumble inner city Our growin up Baby Boomer generation none of that gang killings jus raw down survival that was the common nitty gritty Food on the table a place with a roof thats how we grew up no cars... |
6 x brick |
Chat-GPT is writing raps? 172900
5 I’m getting old but not quite 50 When my rage explodes Transform like Bill Bixby Hulkin’ out So big and green I rip my jeans But I doubt Most even get the reference From old tv shows I suppose I was the same When t... |
41 x brick |
A Word Of Thought 78 50800
When feeling in a debaclesituation, after someone have spoken distastefuldispleasing words to you Just Remember, who controls the power of your mind, YOU!!!!!!! TEEDUB815 |
Think and then Thank 15800
1 Think of a time when your rent was due and it got paid and then, thank God. |
The Immortal Wize
PRO MEMBER 100 x brick |
Mode 454600
a simple mind can figure out complex things and not forget all the details a complex mind can complicate things bring down the plane derail the train and scramble a egg inside its shell in the tale the scarecrow was simple minded if he only had b...
The Immortal Wize
PRO MEMBER 100 x brick |
Split Level 454600
would you hold the ladder steady for me to climb to the top if I promise to reach down and pull you up would you trust me enough would you help me up if I promise to do the same for you knowing if I break a promise to you I break something inside...
41 x brick |
A Word Of Thought 77 50800
You are the pilot of your life So, fly on course while onthe journey, both during the day and durung the night TEEDUB815 |
The Immortal Wize
PRO MEMBER 100 x brick |
Stories Advice & Wisdom 454600
16 I imagine my mother my mothers mother and my mothers mother, mother in one room talking to me ministering to me telling me to bend with the wind putting the fight in me strengthening the roots under me telling me to be the tree I'm listening in di... |
PRO MEMBER 25 x brick |
Poetryvibe.com admin 77000
To the Poetryvibe.com administration, why don't rbe Inspiration category work??? I couldn't find help unless I'm overlooking it.
PRO MEMBER 25 x brick |
Now you LAY YOURSELF down to SLEEP, KNOWLEDGE is POWER these LYRICS are DEEP, CLOSE YOUR EYES and COUNT THOSE SHEEP, Don't make a SOUND, nor even a PEEP. Close your eyes and GO TO BED, Why you STILL UP??? "YOU HEARD WHAT I SAID!!" If YOU'RE... |
41 x brick |
A Word Of Thought 76 50800
When seeking the dream you are destined to fulfill or a goal in your life Escape into a world of silence from hungry ears, go under self construction, sacrifice, andbe not a stranger to do work wihile others are sleep during the night TEEDUB815 |
41 x brick |
Win 50800
If you find yourself with the urge to quit or complain Don't do it my friend Go through what every it is that may come your way and win TEEDUB815 |
9 x brick |
Apostle Matthew encountered... 3500
artist, dragon and gangster extraordinaire
Here at 2 Highland Manor Drive Schwenksville, Pennsylvania. Actually all three people lin... |
6 x brick |
Gender Apartheid 172900
5 The Taliban’s rule in Afghanistan since 2021 Is an abomination and must be undone When America ended its war, millions of women lost their freedom The UN continues to demandequality, but Afghanistan won’t even heed them! Today it is il... |
Poet with most posts on the board
The Immortal Wize
Total poems: 3565Other highly viewed by this poet
The leaderboard is based on the total points accumulated
username | total points |
The Immortal Wize |
1357200 |
mlowe5 |
1194000 |
KingQadarDwon' |
661300 |
2b2b2 |
633700 |
love_supreme |
503200 |
mrmelody7 |
422100 |
Charles2 |
419400 |
LP45 |
378300 |
Mingoao |
377700 |
241500 |
Poetry Vibe was born from something that can easily be explained but not easily understood. With any great creation, there is a sacrifice that needs to be paid and it will be paid by the visitors to the vibe. We want your hearts to flat line.
We want your richest deepest expression of who you are and how you see the world because we are hoping for one truly special thing to happen. We are hoping that your words will be read and in some way move someone to action, to feeling, to purpose, or better yet, move you to find your action, your feeling, or your purpose.
This site is about a nephew and his uncle who thought it was a great idea to create a site about the thing we love. We use it to tell stories, to help us understand how other people tell their stories, to connect and inspire and at the end of the day, it does something very special. It brings us peace. We can say that we never held on to the words. We let them out in the universe for the universe to answer our calls. And no matter what answer we receive, we still have our faith that we did the right thing.
We want the same faith from you. We want you to understand that your words have feelings, that you being part of another poets words has meaning. That we are all here because we are a part of something. The better word to use for it is a "movement." The poets will always stand tall because they understand that alone they can defeat one, two, or three men but with the right words, they can change the world.
So we have only one small request of you. Change the world! Join the vibe!