NicoRussell | Poetry Vibe
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A Woman Of Easy Virtue



Views: 261

Her face was hid like a gibbous moon, behind the feckless bounder.
I’d ransacked half of Soho ‘til eventually I found her!
Canoodled in the corner of a joint near Leicester Square;
I recognized her raucous laugh and erogenous flowing hair.
Uncouthly quaffing coups of fizz, the philtre that he gave her;
I smiled with grim delight to know this moment I would savour!
I made my way between the brutes all bragging of their Porsches;
The air so dense with self-important scent it made me nauseous.
Her face jerked up with eyes a-wide like a dog expecting treats,
But all I had to feed this was knowledge of her deceits!
Her cheeks transposed like litmus as she heard my words of acid.
To both of our annoyance the young cad remained quite placid.
”There was a time a gentleman would stand up for his lady!”
He calmly cocked a snook and sniped, “She’s hardly Marcia Brady.”
This received a soaking in the subjects’ Champagne Charlie;
And nearly found a fist upon the nose he’d fixed on Harley.
And as her tears welled up within those eyes I once thought pure,
I felt a tinge of sadness as I turned towards the door.
She was once a woman whom I truly loved and cherished.
Feelings, so emphatic, with perfidiousness had perished.
So listen when I warn thee of the one who’s sure to hurt you,
And never give your heart, my friend, to a woman of easy virtue.

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