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Dream Catcher


long distance

Views: 214

Confusion clouds my mind, when I am awaken to these thoughts
Last night I closed my eyes, inside my dream you were caught
The mystique of your look, causes me to question who you are
This morning I opened my eyes, outside, amongst darkness were no stars 
Wondering where you went, as I am lost, standing to find myself
Right to my face the mirror lies, as your reflection soon left
Tell me if this is real, there is pain confirmed by pinch
If reality is ever true, I will go the extra mile by inch...
Listening to my first mind, seconds passing by, off are all gloves 
Heard your conscience, chances choices choosing charm, if it can love
There is this dilemma, hypnotized, by your eyes to how things seem
Sleepless, though eyes closed, opening my hands, hoping to catch a dream...

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