mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Down At The Bural Grounds


Views: 470

Down at the burial grounds,

the stilled tongues of ancestors

no longer scream out

chastising words; yet in the quietness

only nature can give---in the ears

of womb of mind---you can hear

the tinkling of ghost freedom bells:





Down at the burial grounds,

in the quietness only nature can give---

in the ears of the womb of mind---you can hear

ghost voices echoing:


     “Let freedom ring!”

     “Let freedom ring!”


Down at the burial grounds,

in the quietness only nature can give---

in the ears of the womb of mind---you can hear

ancestral ghosts whispering:


     “Son, don’t let nobody turn you ‘round!”

     “Son, don’t let nobody turn you ‘found!”


Down at the burial grounds,

in the quietness only nature can give---

you can hear---in the womb of mind---ancestral



   “They don’t give freedom; you got to take it!”

   “They don’t give freedom; you got to take it!”


Brethren, in the quietness only nature can give---

in the womb of mind---we need spend more time

echoing ancestral ghost voices---


The children need to hear; that they may know

from whence they came---where they are---

what must be their focus now---as they go

about getting to where they must be: moving


      On ahead of you and me.


Then they too, can go down to the burial grounds;

And in the quietness only nature can give---

Hear---in the womb of mind---our ghost whisperings:


    “Hold that thought, the revolution is being televised.”


    “The truth shall set you free; free your mind and you are.”

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Brilliance....well crafted....thank you!!!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Peace and Love to my fellow Poets. ONE. mlowe5

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