If someone would have told me about being an adult
about the intricately threaded web of bull, bills, and barriers
that exist to keep you perpetually stressed with frontal right eye headaches and the shakes?
I would have told them to keep that sh*t...I'm straight
Cause every time I get paid on a Tuesday
Bills paid
Hungry on a Wednesday
More bills paid
Wanting to drink on a Thursday
I only have 2 instead of 5, cause bills was paid
and I need to conserve these funds
And broke by Friday???
I would have told them to keep that sh*t...I'm straight
Go to college they said...A degree will take you far they said
Well 2 GPA's, 2 degrees, and 100,000 dollars of government funding, to be owed;
Only Owed...
cause I bet you 100,000 dollars I ain't paying all that back in this life unless the powerball numbers blesses my thoughts
I don't understand why I owe them, when I pay the damn taxes that pays my way through that mother***er...But I owe you?
I would have told them to keep that sh*t...I'm straight
I miss Mr. Softee Summer hot days
Sunshine and cocoa butter glistening my chocolate legs
bike rides and fences scrapped and busted kneecaps
Catch a girl freak girl (You can't catch me)
Hopscotch and jacks was my
late nights, more daylight time to sleep
Truth, Dare Consequences or Repeat (I dare you to kiss her)
I would have kept all that sh*t... Sh*t, cause back then I was actually straight
now...Now, I just sit and fantasize, every time I'm writing a check please ***er please don't you bounce back
in this coldwinter cause I'm trying to stay warm
and with lights
and y'all know how good a hot shower feels at night
I need that sh*t to stay straight
I fantasize, and I remember, and I taste remnants of Mr. Softee on my lips
Bills Paid, Account on Bruh, Broke as
But I can still taste those rainbow jimmies....
#TruthSpeaks 2016