jtj1982 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 331

When you're waiting for an important phone call and everybody else but that person is calling you and you miss that important call, all you can say is....WELL DAMN!!!

  You wash your car on a beautiful sunny day. You buffed it to a high sheen and she's looking so good and the minute you get behind the wheel a hellacious storm dumps gallons of water on your pristine car, all you can say is....WELL DAMN!!!

You're sporting your brand new "favorite" snow white outfit and your kid brushes up against you with the ketchup that is clinging to his hands and you're now sporting a white and ketchup outfit, all you can say is....WELL DAMN!!!

When the biggest bigot in the world decides to run for president and is voted as the candidate for the Republican party and in doing so literally destroying the Republican party and has the members of the Republican party ACTIVELY trying to get rid of this man, all you can do is LAUGH and say....WELL DAMN!!!

When men lose their lives at the hands of the people who are sworned to protect them and charges against these people is all but assured but then they aren't held accountable for their actions causing an uproar from sea to shining sea, all you can say is....WELL DAMN!!!

When you've gone your entire life believing that you will never live to see a Black man become President and then a very astute man who is Black does just that and becomes the first Black President, all you can say ENTHUSIASTICALLY....WELL DAMN!!!

When life throws a curve ball and you're unprepared or surprised or maddened or upset or dumbfounded or livid, all you can say is....WELL DAMN!!!

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Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Well Damn indeed! Nice!
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Well played, lol almost everyday is well damn day!

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