LazarusDaGreat | Poetry Vibe
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Consequences of unrestrained ambition


Views: 299

Lost in transition of an unforgotten nightmare, lost position from King to Rook writing frivolously in the book of the dead to keep my sanity, snapped back into reality by the uncomfortable stares of an sinister entity that wasn’t there- the slight hesitation and constant hallucinations of poetic urban gothic creations have taken over my psyche- can’t you see- the real me? under an impossible posterior of the inferior my posture is unbreakable, like Mr. Glass creating a new genre of literary class, a quick flashback of brilliance incapacitates my internal compass leading me into the mouth of madness- technically consumed, grew old a little too soon the beautifully bolder apprentice of a dark champion resurrected back to life just for spite, This might be bigger than me or you it seems the lies are becoming true- incorporating a poetic phenomenon of Literary superheroes an imaginary façade, so they’re bad guys? Kinda like a written suicide squad- my uncompromising faced of an egotistical alter ego grew into something unfathomable…So they ask me, who are you anyway? Have you ever heard of Keyser Soze, since the night is darkest just before the dawn...…and just like that…He’s gone

As the earth slowly rotates slightly tilted on its axis- the sun will set just below the horizon Can inspire a subconscious will to write in the total absence of visible light, in conditions deemed insufficient my excellent mission continues to prove haters wrong, just an artistic poet writing a sad love song- this perception is achromatic in nature in day-to-day dealings causing an emotional response to darkness, generating metaphorical usages in literature or in lemans terms “catching feelings” the forbidding narrative of something that really isn’t there- is present, in the cool breeze of the night slow dancing with myself under the pale moonlight, A strong insight or rhetorical device the ultimate sacrifice paying homage to me, a self-proclaimed poetic primordial deity unknown from Greek Mythology, my philosophy is simply re-writing His-story- since this is a modern day Divine Comedy at best, I changed my name to Dante’ like Mos Def- My Destiny is tired and expired although the immortal soul never grows old, It has exasperated all possibilities watching my futuristic past unfold so, I patiently wait, debate, and calculate saving grace from the untimely fate

This piece is simplistic in the eye of the beholder crying hysterical without a shoulder They know my story because I’ve already told ya, slowly unveiling the mask, the philosophical analysis of logical consequence involves asking, “In what sense does a conclusion follow from its premises?” Meaning think before you speak and does your question gather the information pertaining to one’s self, for the enhancement of experience and memory they visualize me differently from the rest so, I show no remorse and zero empathy for the mundane, bridging gaps in-between here and eternity, silently wishing upon a star- my insane driving will take me far, or shall I say further, than anybody else will ever go, you have to let go of all the things holding you back and take a blind leap of faith for havens sakes? I contemplate saving this place just to debate and deliberate my fate, held in the fragile hands of a saved holy man, the span of my existence stretches many decades from here to Afghanistan, Malaysia, and Japan watching destiny unfurl solving the mysteries of the 8 great wonders of the world

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2b2b2 says:

Tight Work....thanks for sharing!

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