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UNCHAINED SEA SAND ODYSSEY (Apropos Woven Themes of a Poetic Quilt)



Views: 314




Birth cord sepulchered—entombed

along Brazos banks and Gulf Coast

shores—tombstone set on a hill.


Muddy Mississippi erupted

spewing out a dream deferred

flowing to an Ozark plateau

polluted with bigotry festering

with the seeded waters of the times.


Injustice seeds itself in fertile fields

fertilized with political cow chips

aping cargo sailed on ships of old

to ports of new time urban plantations.


Ironically, ships became cruises

to freedom; sailing the seas

or the skies thereof.  Yet the legacy

lingers on—ballooning. 

Civil Rights and Neo-Colonialism wed

at the altar of political deception:


From seas to shining sea, stagnation

celebrates; the journey goes off course.




The journey commenced itself; and

out of the darkness of night

crept the dawn.  Steaming with thirst,

the dry mouth sun rose—inebriating its self



with the morning dew—leaving empty blades

of grass scattered across the landscape.


The lazy old sea, urged on by quite winds

laboriously spat out lethargic waves.  Lethargic

waves whimpering tears of fickle frothed faces

repeatedly slapped at the shores.


In the distant cosmic sky, lonely sea gulls

sliced through the salt laden air

leaving a pasty white trail—umbilical

reminder of the perilous journey.


Armored with the breastplate of faith,

a cracked smile spread across the face of memory

and whispers to the Creator sang praises

for the sailing birth of day.




The smell of fresh boiling crabs saturated

the salt watered air; and the clinking bottle

caps signaled the gathering of pokeno players.


Seasoned domino players slap table tops

with rhythms that rival Babatunde Olatunji        

on full moon Gold Coast nights.


Shrimp boats moored themselves

along the muddy banks of the river—

the pregnant river teeming

with a seafood feast in the making.


The eerie tormenting buzz of mosquitoes

broke the stillness of the night

as they hovered in sexy sways over puddles

pooled between tall blades of salt grass.


Echoes of howling dogs slowly faded

into canine whispers

as the river breeze blew bitter sweet

memories of tamarind years.




Ah, what a strange entity is the sea;

inanimate, yet teeming with life.

What stories it has to tell.  No less

a graveyard of history; replete

with the remains of those only time

records the memories of.


Save her echoing waves, her ripples

are as silent as fallen forest trees

in the absence of people around to hear.


Yet at her shore, in dreams of memory,

I hear the ghost voices of Ancestors.

Ghost voices of Ancestors

bubbling up out of her dark depths:

ballooning the warm moonlit night

with echoes of laughter issuing

from the buccal cavities of the jumpers.


At the next full moon, I shall paddle out;

paddle out and thread the wetness

of this vast watered graveyard; and

anchor a wreath of purple African Violets,

whispering aged prayers to the Ancestors.




Lowering my boat into the waiting water,

I paddled out to sea.  Midway the horizon



I anchored—A fisherman of memories

that I am, once more baited my mind’s fishing

line with pages of ancestral truths: then

waited the reeling in of ghost voices.


At sunset, mental basket satisfied,

I paddled back to shore and built a fire

and gathered the children to savor

and share the day’s hefty catch.


Beneath the glowing moonlight

exited orbs reflected the fire of knowledge

as we sat and sang songs praising

ancestral fishermen of great Nubian empires…


Beneath the glowing moonlight

we sat and sang songs

praising those ancestral fishermen

of the transatlantic journey…


Beneath the glowing moonlight

we sat and sang songs

praising those ancestral fishermen

of waters still teeming with injustice…


Tomorrow I shall again lower oars—

Paddle out into the sea of freedom waters:

baiting my mind’s fishing line with reflections.




Today the teasing sea sends waves to shore

like Sisyphus children—the froth dissipating

as it carriers are pulled back into the wet womb

of their watered beginning.




Likewise, I’ve been to shores

of justice to be pulled back

by the gravity of its nemesis—

Its pompous nemesis riding high tides

of deception magnetized by moonlight

of the mockery seen---Festering

under the bangle stars of lost liberty.


Forward I must; the day dawns.

The full sea of the watered beginning

of the wet womb and bannered waves

will splash upon the shores and anchor me

in the liberation of a moored permanency.




Saturated with fish fry smells

 Bar-B-Que smoke, rodeo dust

and sounds of deep water blues,

with teasing frothing lace spread on shores,

Gulf Coast birth breeze blew winds in sails

to Caribbean Sea, Blue Mountain berries,

banana walk trails, yam hills—


To kiwi seed raindrops tapping reggae beats

on zinc roof tops on cool verandah nights,

in herb scented air—curling roast breadfruit smoke.


The tarrying there tested the tired soul;

matured the spirit, fulfilled

long tried attainments of deferred dreams. 

Then the sea recruited its journeyman again.


Pacific Coast pleaded an adopted native son

home.   Home to new sea shore sands;

dusted in smog self negation of urban decay



and self nullification of community;

caught in the veiled nightmare—

lurking in the promise land.

Here were lessons learned

from a gospel tower—a tall gospel tower

that never knew a church; yet gave

life-lived sermons that put homiletics

to shame; crucifying piped dream

pie-in-the-sky nuances on crosses of realities.


Atlantic waves, undulating

like rhythmic buttocks, frothed a scent

of magnetism greater than

the tightening hold of gravity;

attracting an uneasy soul—searching

spiritual solaced sands; only to discovered

that the seas all share the same shored design.

Yes.  Same shared sorrowful savage slave story!


Different sea: same sand.


Now awaits Guinea Coast sunsets

and Cape of Good Hope

cul-de-sac early morning sunrises.

Then on to the sands of heaven:


Regrets are for those who fail

to chase their dreams to realities.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Many thanks, love_supreme for appreciating this poetic-prose pinning of a blessed life as I approach my octogenarian years. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

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