hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Sweet Dreams



Views: 108


Whenever I close my eyes, an image of you appears in my mind
In my fantasy
we were lost in a magical world,
where the sun was mine and the stars were yours
We took to sleeping in the grass, looking up at the starlet sky
No need to speak, our hearts spoke for us,
louder and clearer than a flowing waterfall

When we weren't together, I couldn't stop thinking about you
I closed my eyes and was once again lost in that perfect world
I looked around, but I couldn't find you anywhere
Then, with my hope soaring higher than an eagle,
I searched the sky...
There you were, astride a star, smiling down on me
You reached out a hand to me, and in an instant I was on the star too
Together, we ascended into the sky, our dreams as high as we were that night...

How can I make this fantasy come true ?
I don't know how, all I know is I'm missing you
I guess I'll see you in my dreams...my sweet dreams.

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