hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Lucid dreams with the personifications of hay



Views: 130


in view of a hill sat a Nightingale
alone in the very fabrication of my mind
transformed with sullen brevity
sat in a land of make believe
filter through the sound of the Albatross as it passed
a warm quiver will soon discover shelter
for that of a lover lost in their decision
lucid dreams with the personifications of hay
nestled in a cloven asp torn in its modest apparel
deep inside I have pain that hides the vortex of my eye
the scent of perfume permeates a great taste of love's intent
a sip of cherry wine and all will be fine

for I exist in a dream falling apart at the seams
the ocean has a vivid way to sooth the soul
many are already at deaths door alone in their thoughts
exposed by a hellish memory of darkened portals alone
yet captivated by a brightened smile we can know all the great while
torn in the conclaves of love
Kenny G and Barry White to soften the blow far from out of sight
satin sheets and pillow in scattered envelopes beneath the door
relinquished viable lavender spray to perfume your room
watch the tongue for it could bring about a whole host of fire
let the sunshine in to brighten the duration of the moment
out of mere solace we shall follow a humble reward onto heaven's door

beauty left unspoken can bring about sweet brilliance
with what decisions we make today will become echoed throughout eternity's sway
in the Autumn's sun we can have a bit of fun
the rebel in heart could give a flying fart as they are exposed to their trouble
make my Martini strong like on the double
we are here to grow as if a tiny seed then
in time growth sprouts with shoots all a new
perhaps we have bitten off far more then we could chew
I'll meet you on the boardwalk frozen in time

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