hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Sparkling Array Of Brilliance



Views: 117



sought after golden nuggets of thought in the vested calibur of my mind

sprinkled with an array of blissful care taunt toward societal claim

two white doves disappear into the night onto their vested flight

its gravitational pull may brings some down yet our hearts are fond

deep within a solace tender moment we can each treasure among each other

the mere fabric of humility caught up in a vested memory

it wasn't that too long ago you see we were digging for seashells

under the piece near the ocean side then to fly that kits so very hide

wrestling in my blue jeans my mama would scream handing us flavored ice cream


when I was at the mere tender age of three I used to dream dreams

of a magical castle down by the sea with kings and queens

looking further into the vast formations of the cloud I would make out figures

bask in the vast experience between time & space

today it makes me think of Leonard Cohen had he sang Suzanne down by the river

then Jesus was a sailor walking on the water often our thoughts will wander

Sparkling array of brilliance through the peep hole of resilence


the notion of a quaint flower display spread out on the timely array of cabinets.

isn't it a coincidence that we haven't made a single dent in our sophisticated minds

hearts will implode to the newest tune of an episode soaring deeper then ever before

a rainbow with vast colors exploding in our minds with colors of red, green & blue

love has us deep in mind of dreams lost in flight out there in the night

for I exist as a vapor then I am no more lest I implore another vast opened door

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