RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
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Elevation comes from within!

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just different

Views: 612

Can I take you higher?

Can I be your #1 poetic dope line supplier. Can I inject your veins with scribes, prose, and artful manuscript that soothes your soul

Can I take you higher, leave you twitching and itching for another fix of that addictive word play that got you feenin for another hit

Can I take you higher, I spit words colder than cane in your nose. Froze as I combine phrases that have pupils fixed, as I mix dope lines on tables written. Driven to flip this work called poetry for all to partake

Can I take you higher, measuring out words on scales lifted as you take a taste that put your mind in an altered state of being, freeing you from your stress

Can I take you higher, poetic metaphors like green smoke clouds inhaled that propels mind to float on a higher level. Mellow flows rolled tighter as you take a hit

Higher is the level I want you too get,as I spit out of mouth creativity that's lit !

Use me

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mrmelody7 says:

Some got it some dont you Sir got it nice verbalization

RonnieL says:

@mrmelody7...thanks for the kind words fam. Man I was on one the words just popped into my head and I had to get it out. Blessing to ya.

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mrmelody7 says:

Gottcha most mine are the pop into my head writes BTW the poem also took me back to my Sly and the Family Stone days==Wanna take you higher

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RonnieL says:

Cool...if I can make the reader come away with some kind of feeling from my art all the better. Humbled

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Dope! No Pun intended Much Respect!

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Tali says:

This is an awesome write, I love it!

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RonnieL says:

@Wize Dom...LOL Thanks much respect for your art as well! Blessings

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RonnieL says:

@tali_sosweet....thank you for taking time to comment. Glad u felt this scribe. Blessings

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