MAVRICK | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 241

They Come...
Asking me where I'm from
Neither here, nor there
I dwell in a realm teetering on the cusp of Metaphysical Medium
A Battlefield where detonated bombs set-off mental trance-fusions
Designed to transmit spiritual delusions
Provocations causing emotional confusions
They Come...
Bearing gifts of Multiple Contusions
Beating and Stomping on my head & neck
Breaking my back, paralyzing my spine in fear-filled fluids of disrespect
Dis-membering honor, limbs replaced with a legacy of regret
Reprogramming hordes of embryos, manufactured in can-eye-bull-istic frequencies
They feast on Fallen Guardian Angels
Bushwhacked Mommy's & Daddy's shredded...Falling-out at every angle
Families torn apart...
Terms of endearment depart from Verbs, altering Living-Words
Butchering the Body, Spilling the Soul...
Till it runs red-hot, then cold, manifesting shadows of mangled corpses
Decomposing in rigged confessional boothes, lining the gutters of Hell-Holes
They Come...
With Chill-Pills of War-on-Drug Pre-script-shuns
Forming deep-end-dents...
Constantly skull-***ed in Sub-Missionary-Positions
Eyes-cream, as passion-less tears climax...spewing more Ejacula-shuns
Social-Blockers fill...
Hooded heads zombified attitudes that slowly rebuild
Methodically kill...Free-Will
Arrest & Develop Mental-Police-States of Ill
Pop! Pop! Pop!...goes the weasel
One-at-a-time, all became lost, but see-through
While at-one-ment's mind, grows feeble
Cock-Diesel Cunts, transmit dis-eased after-births of Man-Kinds Upheavel
Culturally Unconscious Robbers
Comfortably-Numb Decision-Stoppers
Re-routers of The Subliminal, using Sublime Share-croppers
They Come...
Expecting me to always run
Keeping me on a diet, fortified with Vitamin-Dumb
Through Peep-holes, looking down barrels of loaded-guns
Resting in Valleys of Death, with Drones cloned on stun
Pharmaceutically timed with triggers, clicking to Remote-Control Automatic Weapons...
{D}emons {I}nventing {C}ancers, {K}illing {S}piritual-realization
They Cum over, and over...with overwhelming sensations
***ing-up Every Generation
And Here They Come...

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