hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Your love broke through



Views: 147

there is something inside of me that seeks to hide from thee or is it the powers that be
each reflection we keep hearts second guessing better start confessing & then resting

after many moments beating my head against the stone cold wall my faith wanders
onto the heights of expression leave you second guessing but am I really trusting you see

the ocean has a vast way to sooth the common soul some hearts will inflate the ego let it flow...

we are made to believe hearts captured in a dream to sing the heavenly tunes of joy
a beautiful cascading sunset with jewels in your eyes twilight beckons its call asunder

our love broke through onto the srarry blast of pepermint plants and a chance to react
if this you should see remember me in a far off kingdom by the sea with humble appease

in a parody of falling away dreams left to flight forgetting the night the day is far spent
listen to the rolling waves falling back at you put your feet in the sand my faithful friend

the road to hell is paved with good intentions so stop your second guessing start confessing
dig much deeper before as a transition toward the opened door by which to humbly explore

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