mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Thoughs on Evolution and Liberation



Views: 191



Once again our humanity is taxonomically mocked—

No longer three-fourths Homo sapiens—Rather

A step just below that of being a being;

Today we are an endangered species…

A modern day classification absurdity…Indeed!




Although endangered species are sacred and protected,

We are considered open season game throughout the year—

Our peculiar genus is criminally culled under unwritten laws;

Our punctuated equilibrium deemed a politico-economic-socio-

Cultural threat to the ecological stability and parasitic symbiosis

Existing between the pale hued and dark hued human organisms—

The former having evolved to predator; the latter, a permanent prey.




Once again in the scheme of human evolutionary history,

Despite the rampant predator’s attempts at their extinction,

The prey rises again—evolving new adaptive survival techniques

Overcoming and pruning off-branching injustices and nullifications…




In the evolution of liberation, the racist—the power monger species—

And their abject politico-economic and physical genocide practices,

Are like wild blades of grasses of nullification and flowers of injustice;

Trying to grow and evolve in the Creator’s garden of human equanimity.




In coming time, wild grasses of nullification shall wither;

The hybrid flowers of injustice shall fade; and we shall rise again.

Today, we sow the ripe seeds of evolutionary liberation. 

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Many thanks, love_supreme. Let us continue to sow seeds. Peace and Love

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