thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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Silent xero


just different

Views: 143
I don't wanna cry I'm not sad it's just that this world is unforgiving you know? This place will crush you with loneliness and trap you inside another world one of your own doing it's not until everything is undone that you realize what you've truly done and at the end of that you begin to ask questions the type of questions that would have never formulated Without the world dishing out harsh attaccs the irony of unfair things being fair you genuinely learn how to deal with it too much complaining can lead to a bitter spirit & brittle heart for instance there's A.... and I can't stress this enough LOT! of unspoken pain that I carry with me and been carrying with me for years now of course there's a unforgiveness of course there's guilty you know my silence has been the one thing that's been consistent from the beginning up until now trust me when I say I don't open up to no one that's nothing new nothing to brag about The truth is I claim up start sweating and mumbling, voice gets lower then I start to stutter from there it's just all down hill And when it comes to exploding I don't even do that well my biggest pet peeve is getting yelled at like don't raise your voice at me there's no need so I would never yell at some Else I have barriers walls mental shields for obvious reasons they been up so long that I forgot how to let let them down or maybe I never how I tell you that say this my mind is a 100% intact I've over came my weaknesses and so much more just in my silence and endurance But what if I wasnt silent about what was going on what if I wasn't silent about how I felt what if I wasn't silent about everything that's happened to me personally would I be shunned how many questions would people ask would they even care who would deny the truth who would admit it there's so many things that play a part in this

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lasi_gi says:

Where do I start thatygpoetickidd. You voice only deserves to be heard by those who listen. Thanks for sharing this heart rendering piece. Peace

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