Mxdluv21 | Poetry Vibe
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Looks like Rain


first love

Views: 193

Looks like rain today and it reminds me of your tears. 

Tears that ran like sweat down strong cheekbones.

Looks like rain today , reminiscent of stormy nights and ugly fights

followed by sexy makeup moans. 

Looks like rain today,

the scent of our earthy chemistry with the feel of sweaty bodies in the mix.

Looks like rain today and I'm afraid to go outside in fear of getting wet by your caress and kiss.

Looks like rain today so I choose to stay inside in the safety of my abode.

I dare not call your strong arms home.

It looks like rain...

-Katiko Sutton 

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

sexy rain

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Beautiful rhythmic imagery of desired raining humanity. Sweet write. Thanks for the share. Peace and Love.

Sassy says:

Beautiful scared of the strong arms to call home, really resonates Thank You

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