TamaraD | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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just different

Views: 202

Cried all night long your "Why Me" song 

Moped and pouted trying to in that way get your way

Refused to do the thing that you know deep down 

You know that is the way. Give it to HIM.... say the way is to Pray

Complained to your friends  you talked about all the this and all the that

Making oneself perfect and avoiding negatived facts

You know on you here is still work to do.

God looked down saying "Who she think she talking to"

Yea again and again He's saying.....HUSH you already did that

Has it ever worked?

What makes you think it will now?

There is  a solution, let me show you how

Release it to Him the one with all the hands, give it to Hime

He always understands.

Do something different get something different yes a new plan

"BeCuz" your cause to pause on the release I have for you should grow

so tired of nothing causing it matter-of-fact

New you New grew New life intact

Complain, cry, questions of why....say bye

Remember....you already did that

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mrmelody7 says:

Yes indeed the Lady with that special down home poetry
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Same thing done over and over still "cooks" the same results. And that's that! One. Peace and Love.

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