Ms.PoeticPassion | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 227
Sometimes I write my thoughts on paper.... Sometimes I just start typing away on this keyboard. I don't want to lose this feeling. I don't want to lose these thoughts. No time to go back and correct and PERFECT my words. Straight from the heart. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT.....I just want you to read it. My poetry is who I am. Sometimes sad. Sometimes mad. Sometimes confused, and that's when my mind and heart are on mute. Sometimes Writer's Block Corrupt my mind. I be standing on WRITER'S BLOCK, holding up a sign. Like a beggar asking for money. Only my sign reads: Need Words and Inspiration and just a little motivation. I'm typing not knowing if these words will rhyme or even make sense. My heart and mind are not collaborating with my soul this morning. I don't even have a title in mind. Emotions all astray this morning. Too early to sip on my wine. I just feel like crying. My inner being keep telling me," Get up! Wipe those tears! Hold your head up high!" So this is where I will end my spontaneous writing........ 10/12/2023 8:02 A.M.

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mrmelody7 says:

Spontaneous is a great way to release the mind it can lead to serendipity as the group B T Express sang Go head and do it do it till you satisfied maybe listening to this song this morning will get you going Just love the lyrics to this song

Ms.PoeticPassion says:

Thanks so much about to search it.

mrmelody7 says:

Am sure you will like and relate

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