mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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contest winner 8
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 139


In the icy winds of the day, rain threatens;

There is also a concern for coming snow:-

But despite all the cautious frettings,

The blessed Creator said to nature, no.

What a beautiful day it turned out to be;

Praise the Creator for blessing you and me.

There is no doubt that nature has its way;

But as usual, He’s still in charge of the day.

Just as the Creator gave blessed birth to me

And you,

The same Creator also gave birth to seasonal

Nature too.

This is the day that the Creator has graciously 

Given us;

Enjoy and be glad in it from this early dawn to

Late dust.

Others will be victims of hale-falling destructive


We are blessedly saved and protected from all of

Nature’s harms. 

Let us not question the difference in the way the day

Is being done;

Just keep in mind where we once were before

This day was won:-


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mrmelody7 says:

Nature lover here I miss the winter snow of Ct since movin to SC many moons ago Rarely snow here Nice reflections and truths
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, Sir. My territorial movements over my soon-to-be 81 years have been from The Gulf of Mexico in Texas, to the Caribbean Ocean of Jamaica, to the Pacific Ocean of California, and now a decade of snow experience in Virginia! Thank you mrmelelody7 for your continuing inspiration. ONE. Peace and Love.

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