ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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How to attach a shower curtain...



Views: 101

I revisit rather than write from scratch
a poem crafted May twenty third
two thousand and twenty
since the following words apropos
and amply serve a duplicate purpose
of aforementioned title,
when yours truly enlisted
(before any consideration
arose to object
threading shower rings
thru scissor made cuts)

of makeshift shower curtain -

actually repurposed invisibility cloak
then yesterday March 24th, 2024,
therefore husbandly duty
found me swallowing
my pride and prejudice
with sense and sensibility

suffering permanent anatomical
disfigurement, nonetheless

maintaining marital bliss
at steep price despite more or less

musculoskeletal dislocation,
I eagerly, readily willingly confess.


Ideal for someone whose height
trends toward above average

unless you don't object tilting
head back in an effort to gauge

keeping noggin ed
at ninety degree angle tempering rage.


Yours truly gifted with absolute zero
vertical advantage, hence

mine neck craned back imposing
unpleasant strain forcing gent's

head apropos regarding yours truly
futile attempt present instance.


Carotid arteries perfectly positioned
awaiting Jack Ripper's (imposter) knife

thus mine noodle (property
Matthew Scott) induced physical strife

discomfort courtesy directly
linkedin viz the ole hen pecking wife.


Without complaint, I dutifully accepted
challenge to affix curtain

(essentially meant to keep
shower water splashing bathroom floor)

unbeknownst that threading
a camel thru eye of needle sewing pin


Would be a cinch, but such
blessed lesson acquired thru hindsight

initial task assigned me appeared
straight forward until I saw light

bulbs blind me myopic orbs,
thus in addition to afore stated plight...


Husband material (me) sorely
tested to the max, no matter chore

hardly commenced, which
spurred mental note to refrain pointing

at cumulative mold accretion
heavily visible and unsightly eye sore.


Arch disadvantage, yours truly
not being impressive or particularly tall

and thought not to retrieve sturdy
furniture to boost reach heavenly pole

which plastic hooks suspended
plastic shower curtain over long haul.


Upon figuring out how drape like
appurtenance got held in place crick

would necessitate chiropractor
to realign permanently bent poise kick

started when initially troubleshooting
deceptively easy task, no quick


assignment, though obviously
fashioning plastic hook thru pre cut slot

became clear at expense unintentionally
breaking off "J" portion not

possible to avoid subsequently
uselessly rendered hook even if robot

programmed to complete mission,
yet all told poetically smarts & moxie I got.


Please accept lame attempt (minus
obvious sensibility) to comprehend

anybody who reads previous literary
endeavors considered virtual friend

unconditionally accepts trademark

swiftly tailored harried style I extend

utilizing all manner of quirkiness,
which moost likely spells mein legend

after I pass from temporal plain,
a posthumous johnny come lately bend

ding formalities of English language
writing, yet wondering what strictures

disallow experimenting with poetic genre,
though methinks literature intend

did (art in general) to eternally evolve

without deliberate intention to offend

any die hard who might call upon
men in white suits and briskly recommend

to the funny farm, where life made
more beautiful perchance receiving stipend.


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