AbiGee Poetry | Poetry Vibe
AbiGee Poetry
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The Black Divide



Views: 92

In one of my favourite songs they described Black women as “rich dark chocolate, sweet melanin”. 

However, hearing this cannot erase the hatred Black men done did.


These are the adjectives they throw at us when we are already deep in our casket. 

White people have already beaten us and stripped us of all that is human.

Then here come Black men believing in the White man’s delusion. 

It’s crazy the amount of times I’ve heard Black men say, “If it ain’t snowing I ain't going”. 

Mindsets like this is why the Black community is deteriorating.

Can’t they see this is what the white people want?

Pin us against each other so we rip each other a part. 

We are stronger unified, yet here we are divided.

Black men need to realize that when it comes to the privilege table, even they aren’t invited.

So why pin us down to climb the social hierarchy?

No matter how high you climb, getting rid of your Blackness ain’t that easy.

You can claim that it’s preference, but we know that ain’t true.

Y’all believe the stereotypes painted by whites, and that’s the root of the issue.

My question is, do you believe the ones about Black men, because we know they hate you too.

And if that’s the case, we know it stems from the internalized racism you are going through.

Even though you try to tear us down, we still rise up.

Black Feminism says screw you, and ignore all your insults.

They raise the point that if Black women are free then we all are free.

And isn’t this what we want? The freedom of everybody.

Instead of putting us down, Black men should be lifting us up.

I've said my piece so Black men, you’re up!


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love_supreme says:

Very nice!

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mlowe5 says:

To God Be The Glory for the Black Wombs that continue to Birth Us towards Liberating Glory! May God soon collectively heal we Black Men of the various side effects of the Oppressor Syndrome. Continue to share your poetic vaccines, My Sister. One. Peace and Love.

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