Turning the maxim familiarity breeds contempt on it's head... not just in time for Valentine's Day
but the remaining days of our lives
as the world turns
on all our children
the young and restless
now grown to womanhood
After being married
for nearly three and a half score years,
(our eldest daughter,
will celebrate her twenty ninth birthday
December 22, 2025,
hence you dear reader do the basic math),
I must admit a dynamic between me
and the missus, a gal who ofttimes claims
without a shadow of a doubt,
when she first set eyes upon yours truly -
a veritable stranger to her,
whose lips of mine
she hankered to plant a smooch,
I would have gladly welcomed
an unexpected pleasant kiss met,
(this then handsome late twenty/early
thirty something singular male
deeply engrossed with his nose in a book
while sitting on the steps
outside of Summit Presbyterian Chu... |
A (starry eyed) burst of creativity... at approximately
a painfully early o'clock in the morning
give or take an o'clock
found yours truly (me) amassing
line after line of a poem
crazily coalescing courtesy
an extraordinary unfamiliar phenomena
while living social within alien nation,
said mental and physical explosion
vis a vis fast flexing
handy dandy appendages
creating satisfactory verse in their wake
materialized into an unexpected
pièce de résistance,
which brilliant tour de force
quickly set the keyboard a smokin hot
as fingers ripped across qwerty keyboard
buzzfeeding outrageously madly
(like the Flying Wallenda's
tearing thru empty space
while free falling into a net below
after leaping off a tightrope wire)
meanwhile analogous to yours truly,
a dumbfounded Schwenksville scribe
wrought ... |
si tu t'appelles melancolie - oui if your name is melancholy,
the scant tidbits I know of French.
perfect cold day to down
a cup of hot chocolate, java or joe
in tandem with an intelligent conversation
that easily doth flow
twould be more enjoyable
than spending gobs o dough
clowning around like Bozo.
fingers click along
at a rather moderate pace
nonetheless this generic homo sapiens
caught like amber in the human race
i try feel quite cramped
with madding crowds
that take up more space
and feel a nostalgic pang for times gone by
when continuity of virginal woodlands
across America did trace.
I beseech thee
with a gentle dare
to please assist me with any literary flair
but more so to help me answer
a rather risque prayer
and wonder if ye any
leisure time and interest to spare
to... |
Swath of pristine tractless snow white landscape... tell tale sign where
winter storm Demi left her mark.
Beautiful and bountiful visual scene
(seldom seen around
tri-state geographic area
for quite a few years,
where temperate global warming
spelled unseasonably warm winters)
trumps the inauguration
for breathtaking view.
Immaculate conception birthed
awesome aesthetic spectacular
blinding heavenly creation.
I feel humbled
as an infinitesimal know nothing
wrought into existence
courtesy billions of years
evolutionary fits and starts,
and will exit stage door left
barely impacting the cosmic schema.
Memories accumulated across
six plus decades astride oblate spheroid
upon sixty plus shades of gray matter
sights and sounds transiently,
yet indelible impressions lasted a lifetime
eventually taken to the gr...
Yours truly (me) just got acclimated to writing 2024... whenever I needed to append the date to a document
Though the situation infrequently arose
for me to incorporate the year (2024 in this case)
or listen to a well trained
beetle browed foo fighter
named Jethro Tull
(in honor of an English agriculturist
from Berkshire who helped to bring about
the British Agricultural Revolution
of the 18th century by perfecting
a horse-drawn seed drill in 1701
that economically sowed the seeds
in neat rows, and later developed
a horse-drawn hoe)
likened to lapsed hippie old fogey chap,
(no much different from yours truly,
an aging former
long haired pencil necked geek),
who in polite society
does not give a rats ass,
if I make a ridiculous roaring ruckus
particularly after sneezing a bajillion times
subsequently when the necessity arises
to hunker down and expel
globs of phl... |
Zealous untiring repentance
Fleshed out as poetic confessional.
Profligacy prevailed pricking psyche
precipitating pandemonium.
I wrought havoc courtesy aegis
of paramours picadillos, yours truly did relish
crooning, clowning, and cavorting
around at Piccadilly Circus
located in Regent Street, Shaftesbury Avenue
Piccadilly, Covent Street and Haymarket.
Fast forward into the present
meaning Christmas day 2024.
Impossible mission to escape spectre
analogous to black barbs
blasted from BB gun
painfully punctuating
once pleasant orgasmic burbles.
Emotional fallout analogous
to radiation poisoning mein kampf
killing me softly with feline purring,
where I (a non believer) did lionize Lucifer.
Marriage plus father/daughter
unbridled edenic connection,
especially once unsullied pate... |
Folie à deux ("shared madness," or "madness for two").
I suffer in silence, though not alone
kvetching old curmudgeon (me)
(once upon a time, a promising
long haired pencil necked geek)
buzzfeeding off life's miniseries
of unedited miseries in tandem
with ideal counterpart ofttimes
easily mistaken for a clone
Matthew Scott Harris
(hunkered down in Schwenksville, Pennsylvania)
unable to function without her
(zee wife), he doth espouse as integral
to calculus of his existence
plus attributes wizardly
powers within (yours truly)
derived, high fived, and thrived courtesy
(think symbiotic),
quietly riotously quintessentially,
nevertheless beloved hen pecking crone,
we carrion and cavort
(our respective wings
beating at speed of sound)
... |
Yours truly, a passive aggressive froward and forward counterpart seeking intelligent fine companion A generally cerebral acquisition
intertwining heterosexual generic guy,
who first started dating gals,
when a late teen/
early twenty something,
who overcame his shyness
courtesy consuming powder milk biscuits;
usually described as
"made from whole wheat
raised in the rich bottomlands
of the Lake Wobegon river valley
by Norwegian bachelor farmers;
so you know
they're not only good for you,
but pure... mostly.
Buy them ready-made
in the big blue box
with the picture of the biscuit
on the cover,
or in the brown bag
with the dark stains
that indicate freshness.
Whole wheat that gives
shy persons the strength
to get up and do
what needs to be done,
especially a then
first time contra dancer
such as yours truly – me!
Heavens, they're tasty, an... |
Though married yours truly (me)... unabashedly dole out unadulterated
indirect flattery to a porcelain moon goddess.
I found myself figuratively
falling head over heels
inexplicably, cuz courtesy the website
Prose | A virtual community
of readers and writers,
an attractively enchanting female participant
unwittingly, unsuspectingly and unknowingly
triggered the writer
of these words to become beguiled
and emblazon the sentence
mein kampf and hard times
(ambiguous coded message)
to further an electronic exchange
of mutually assured emotional construction
inadvertently, inextricably, and inordinately
bending, forging, and nudging our lives to coincide
with a mutually profound realm
of hidden cerebrally orgasmic treasure,
not unlike an archeologist
accidentally stumbling upon a rare discovery
of unknown persons... |
Present wedded bliss ain't no touchstone... double negative meaning golden years
joie de vivre of married life unknown
during our sputtering rancorous courtship
when skirting within danger zone
witnessed countless ruptures
courtesy selfish wordsmith,
who authored these words.
Circa ~ late spring/ early summer 1978
twas at behest of Harriet Harris,
thus due credit mother dearest
who tried, to bribe, coax, exhort...
(protracted effort not all in vain),
cuz her second of three progeny,
and sole son i.e. (me) to
commingle, frolic, immerse myself
quintessentially ushering yawping zeal,
cuz general disposition courtesy yours truly
heavily trended toward solitude,
limiting interpersonal opportunities
minus those crafted,
videre licet overactive imagination (mine).
I took immediate affinity
(think duck adapting to water)
to milieu of contra dancing |