Nobody will lose
Faith on earth because God
Will help everybody on earth to keep the faith
Just by asking God
If everybody do that
God will be most thankful
And he will be happy to give everybody that
![]() poetaldo
Nobody will lose
Faith on earth because God
Will help everybody on earth to keep the faith
Just by asking God
If everybody do that
God will be most thankful
And he will be happy to give everybody that
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Hoi hasta calor
Hoi hasta calor Here on earth today And it is the hottest day Of the Summer today It is 48 I can't take the heat The heat Is killing all of us It is very bad for the people Who have asthma And heart problem I am thinking about Going on for a swim On lake Ontario That will cool me off Also I am not crazy about swimming I prefer to go for walks On the boardwalk First thing in the morning Because there is nobody around Also we haven't had any rain for a long Time Every day I hope it will rain But it never does
I am powerful with my wordsI am powerful with my words Because I use them When I am talking each day with the people That I come across with And the message that I am sending to the people That I come across Is very powerful I am powerful with the song That I am singing Right now Because it is helping The ones that are ill And myself also By transforming my life around with positive thoughts |
Nobody will lose faith on earthNobody will lose
Out of my head comes a new poemOut of my head comes a new poem That is so interesting to me Because I can see all the words coming together out of my head |
Deep blue skyLet me drift away Into the deep blue sky When I go to sleep tonight Because I want to feel the same way That the birds feel when they are in the Deep blue sky |
Fits me like a gloveThat shoes Fits me like a glove Thanks God Because that Shoes I love very much And it is so comfortable When I wear it on my feet
I took just a glimpseI took just a glimpse In the sky During this Summer night Also seeing the moon Shining in the sky Yes there was some stars Shinning in the sky That left me breathless I wish I had a camera So, I could take a picture Of this beautiful sky Yes, my Father made that sky Looking great With his holy hands Now I must go to bed Because it is getting late Yes, I need my sleep
TorontoNow that the day ended The sun went down And I saw the most beautiful Sunset And finally, the night arrived fast At midnight The light went out And also, the traffic on the road Had died down And Toronto was quiet now Also, there is no body walking At midnight in the street I hope all the people are sleeping In their beds at midnight Also, I know that the night is very long Because God made the night that way For us to sleep Also, God made the four seasons for us To live in it Now we are at the end of Fall Tomorrow will be the first of Fall And every day it is very cold We already changed the clock back one hour And the days are shorter It gets dark at 5:00 PM I find that very depressing Today I went to sle... |
Pretty eyesShe has Pretty eyes The color of the sea Her eyes are green Also her eyes shines in the sun She is lucky to have green eyes It was given to her by my father AIso she has blond hair She is a gorgeous woman That was made by my God Also I am very happy for her At night she is always sleeping like a log
Time goes by so slowlyFather Time goes by so slowly Today Why father? Because I am not happy that Time goes by slowly I already worked 8 hours for you Father Writing poems I still need to work another 8 hours to go Father I have nothing against you I must work for you father every single day I just love to work for you Then by then will be midday At midday I will have a little break I will take a short walk around the block So I can get some fresh air Then I will go and turn my computer of And stop work for you I will say my prayers for you Then you are going to Answer my prayers right away Now I will take my medication And I am going to sleep |