Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 402

I couldn't help feeling like I was give less

I somehow found myself undiscovered under the May weather

Heart as heavy as bundled leather

Surrendering to the cold terms written
opposite of which used to be a warm hearted love letter

That thin line between love & hatred We beat on like a anger parent to a problemed child needless to say we broke the tether, and the hearts of each other

Every time I hear your name I'm thrown through a loop, backdraft to the obstacles we've made it through
Just to sit across this table and look at you takes every bit of gentleman left in me
to fight back this monster feeding off the pain and misery

that seems to be the only thing you left me

Oh how sad a man I depicted myself to be

Was I really that weak?

To let this love drug take my life away from me
And you my everything now less than nothing to me!

Memories of you haunt my past thoughts of your warm touch cripple me

Than I remember for the last of this sentence you've been as cold as your feet used to be to me.

I was dumb founded hoping we could change
I held my breath til the sky turned blue!

You stuck waiting for that Guy as fly as loose features on gooses wings
Me clinging to a failed relationship like so 30 year old man to a hoop dream

I guess if there's one thing, to say relationships are its their?


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