KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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50 shades of pleasure



Views: 482
I wanna make love to you with your clothes on, I'm pulling the thongs of your brain off, baby hold on.. You're in for the best night of your life, oooh baby your mind is so warm, dipping and dabbing in it, getting caught in your brainstorms. Please forgive me if you feel like you're being taken advantage of, you told me that you like a challenge so I just answered the call.. 8 hours of mental stimulation and you're feeling the same effects as if it were physical penetration. You feeling that burning sensation all the way down to your calfs, crying tears of joy every time I make you laugh. Every S word that I say your body shivers, Every Q word that I say makes your lips quiver. Every M word that I say it makes you moan, every G word that I say makes you groan. When I say that I'm ready to stop, you tell me to keep going, you telling me stories about your ex how he had you emotionally torn. You told me that I saved the day and that you never ever in your life felt this way, the only down side to this, is that I didn't use protection, my DNA will always be apart of your mind whenever I have a spiritual erection. Qadar Dwon' #poetry #sapiosexual #infinewords #wiseguys #wisegirls #mindgasms #spirtualorgasms #nothingnice

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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Wow...Keep that pen movin KingQadarDwon'
Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Thank you.... I will, you do the same...

DallasCowgirl says:

Yo! This is wusup. You got mad talent, ach. So real, so raw. Love it.

Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Todah Ahchut... That means a lot.. Just having fun sharing my mind.. All glory to YAHUAH..

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