mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 728400
contest winner 7
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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  double ruby
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Total poems - 90 days   104
Total poems - 365 days   497

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Views: 350

When the levees broke...

When the levees broke...

When the levees broke...


The world awoke

From a submerged reality

Flowing beneath the bridge

Over troubled waters.


The copious tears

From the domed encapment

Could not wipe away fears

Nor cleanse the mind of lost hope

Floating in the mist of the mockery

I see:


This water.

This land.

Thios America!


Shame is a dark cloud

Reflected from the white side

Of a bleeding moon---

Guilt seeks its own level


"Vengeance is Mine."

Said the Lord.


To err is human;

To forgive, 



No mercy

For mere mortals!


When the levees broke...

When the levees broke...

When the levees broke...


The stiches that bound the veil of justice

Were ripped ath the seams; and

It seemed that the bowels of hell loosened

Their pregnant flow of terror; and 

Unseen evil released its self on 

An intoxicating world drunk with deceptions.


No receding waters can wash away the pain;

The level line of grief remains;

Like a wrinkle in time,

Minds of survivors wrap around

Middle Passage memories...

Deferred dreams fester

In bloatted bodies of floating dreamers...

Dreamers in new diasporas;

Drifting on the rafts of new leanings.


But we shall rise again

From the depths of hell's water;

Sail on the tides of new beginnings;

And no political anchor 

Neither the barges of tilme

Can hold us in check; nor prohibit us rising.


And at this wake, let us keep a ripen vigil---

The shadowed veil will be removed;

All shall be naked before the world;

Truth will reveal its self like a burning bush;

And we shall overcome into a new dwelling:

And city not made by hands of corruption and greed.

And the Orleans of our beginning here

Shall not fade from these memories:


When the levees broke...

When the levees broke...

When the levees broke...






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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks for the SNAPS. Much appreciated. Peace and Love.

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