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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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The Crescent Moon & The Millenium



Views: 133

So deaf, so blind are we-

Our little minds (judgmentally inclined )

base judgments on assumptions,

not on related facts !


So, on and on, the squirrel cage

goes, round and round, And no one listens

to what wise men still propound...


How many centuries has man's myopic eye

failed to envision "time" assigned

the role of symbol ?

Ask whether logic ever pinpoints time,

elusive, all pervasive time ?


A timely symbol circles back,

month after month, each 29 or 30 days,

a messianic symbol seen, in evening skies,

reminding viewers why the sun grew dark,

as Jesus, on Tau-shaped cross,

suffered the crucifixion ?

Although perceptive friends of light

find eyes and ears shut tight

against all vestiges of explanation,

yet shall the Crescent wax ( and wane)

beyond the 40 days wherein the long expected,

long feared time of the Millenium shall reign


The 19th province, in the 19th year

of Earth's moon cycle, in this aging century,

likewise commencing with "19", all coincide!

As year has followed year, now,

"91" becomes the mirror image, " 19-91."


Will Armageddon spark the ushering in

of a New Age ? As when the Hand of Doctrine

reaches down to grasp the Key of Faith,

there in Granada,

there in Alhambra's court of justice

the first reverberations, commencing, shake the mighty mountain rising by its side

There, where the Moors were driven out,

500 years ago, now the initial tide,

first tide, goes shuddering through solid rock,

as seen- and heard-from there,

reducing those impetrable mountain heights to little more than dust


The pile of solid rock,

impentrable for over 700 years

to mortal power or to magic artifice

against the Lord of the enchanted mountain,

at long last shall release the aged magus

and Gothic princess from that vaulted hall

sealed in the mountain's heart,

illusive rock formation- struck long ago

by that old prophet's staff- to open the way

to go, leaving the weather-clock there watching!


Quaking, shaking, crumbling !

To dust return!

Mountain, again return to dust !

End time solutions



to free the long- forgotten princess

and her silver lyre-

whereby our Saviours music

may, once again, be heard,

here, on this planet earth !

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The Immortal Wize says:

Prophetically profound.

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