it ain't about this it ain't about that
it ain't about whose wrong or right
it ain't about day it ain't about night
it ain't about black it ain't about white
it ain't about tissue it ain't about wipes
it ain't about sickness it ain't about health
it ain't about hoax ain't about the vote
it ain't about the news it ain't about
the blues it ain't about the flu
it ain't about me's It ain't about you's
it ain't about what we talking about
it ain't about what we think it is
it ain't about the President it ain't about
Philosophy, Theories or Conspiracies
we're in the dark blocking out the sun
looking out for the moon all the while
stars are few it takes too much
energy worrying about the wrong thing
while the hidden hand is moving
mountains we can't climb It ain't
about us all the time there are
certain divine laws put in place
working in our favor this present
day help for those in need a lamp
to our feet lighting the way
a life savor in a drowning river
it's about what it's about what it's
about its BIGGER than any of our
thought's remember judgments
by the heart continuities matter
neither created nor destroyed
worry ain't gone change it