mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 234


When you decide it’s time to

Evaluate your success in life,

Ensure that it’s just that—

Your evaluation—rather than

The opinions of others—including

Loved ones—who at one time or another

Have been there with you during 

Your present sojourn in this life:-


Furthermore, be aware that in life lived,

Certain things—since Garden of Eden time—

 Are inevitable, and death is not the only one.

Yet, despite the many inevitabilities we will face.

Life itself is for living, and does, and must go on.


Although death is an inevitability you can’t change,

Be aware that most of life’s so-called inevitabilities

Are ones that can be overcome and even corrected.

Be aware that builders who err, re-evaluate, correct,

And proceed to rebuild even better-designed edifices:-


Thus, with the Divine Builder’s cemented wisdom

And with His flowing guidance, forgive yourself

For the errs you feel you have made in your life

And proceed toward the corrected character

Building of the wonder one you are blessed

To become as you continue your sojourn:

To God Be The Glory!  Peace and Love:-




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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, love_supreme. Much appreciated. ONE. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, Immortal Wize. Let us continue to build according to God's given Blackprint! ONE. Peace and Love.

Tiffanyr says:

This is the poem od the century. I been going through depression, flowing through life beating myself for the sins I did and financial mistakes I made for decades. GOD allowed me to read this right on time. I screenshot this poem.

Tiffanyr says:

This is the poem of the century. I been going through depression, flowing through life beating myself for the sins I did and financial mistakes I made for decades. GOD allowed me to read this right on time. I screenshot this poem.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

In thanksgiving grace of forgiveness of self and that of God's, and with divine awareness, wisdom, and guidance, continue in your sojourn of life fulfilled in/with labors of shared love towards others and indeed, yourself. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks for the joyous tears, Tiffanyr, ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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