WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Jesus Lord,



Views: 123

Jesus Lord,
I know that you are probably very bored
The again, maybe were just being ignored...
With the vicious cycle of women and men's inevitable sin
~2,000 years since your exit
We killed you, so I can see why you don't mess with
Us, to you, two millennia is just a blink of an eye
Probably anticipating the rapture, just to watch us f@#$%&s fry.

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love_supreme says:


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mlowe5 says:

Despite it all, we're still here and overcoming! Don't worry, we're still in His Glory. ONE. Peace and Love

jlmoore2 says:

This made me laugh.

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