OneWing33 | Poetry Vibe
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A Glimpse


just different

Views: 113

Go ahead OneWing, time to get this shyte out 

So allow me to address everything and body so afterward you won't have a doubt

That day I I touched you my Holy Grail,and Whispered time to take the dagger out

We gone a keep it cute no need to scream and shout

Or be vigorous vindictive, that shyte will hold ya

Especially to the ones where the relationship was tumultuous 

Always remember it happened how it was suppose to

A lesson learnt or karmic debt that had to be rectified

Either way it go I’m still learning day by day becoming more wise

My biggest pet peeve is a person who lie

Then they believe their own bs some even try to cry

But cry me a river till your well run dry

It’s OneWings time

Ready to eat like a conniver

I’m tired plus I can no longer ignore

You’re grown no excuses I can’t take no more

The mind of OneWing, let’s explore 

I’m happy people like to be around me

 And most of them have Hidden agenda trying to drain me of my energy

But when yawl come yawl don’t want to leave

This not a shelter, hotel, group home or a space that’s rent free

Yawl just know I bring peace

Let you lay your head feed you allow you to sleep

Rule 1 can’t nobody stay with me

Unless your name is on my lease

Plus I’m a introvert, recluse, still finding me

I can’t even walk through my house necked  because of company

I even made a sign but they still won’t let me be

Then get mad that’s selfish and unfair

Stop preying on my heart that soft spot is no longer there

I have my own life, energy and kids I have to take care

6/29/13 I woke up so who I am I’m very much aware

This ain’t my battle and your burdens are yours to bare

I paid my own debt nailed to the cross my soul was won and spared

That day I had to die in order to live today

I am the Holy Grail and I’m wide awake 

My mind is all over the place

Why did the Egyptians take out the brain, what’s the case

Oh that’s where the Hippocampus is stored with every past life memory tucked and stored away

So you remember who you are once you get the ego out the way

Plus the four lobes of the brain and the cadet houses in Astrology correlate 

The 3;6;9;12; house are cadet representing adaption and change

It takes 21 days to reprogram the human psyche or form a habit is what they say

I look at your birth chart seeing where your moon is placed

Then I see the astrological transitions that come into play

By redirecting that thought process will start the decalcification of your Pineal Gland

 You know every medication made by man has to pass through the Hypothalamus gland

That calcify that waste and the Pineal gland is where it lands

I can right a book in riddles exposing the Man

One of my gifts is the taboos of life I see and comprehend 

I’m backed by popular demands 

The curse was broken when ole LIZZY WAND WAS SNAPPED

it’s over everybody this ain’t cap

And the shyte you see on tv is a illusional trap

No one ever made it to the moon that Ray Allen Band to hot for any craft

I saw the bubbles float up they was under water now how about that

King James was a homosexual a sickening one at that

Raped his own mother altered the Bible but this who nice Christian folks worship in packs

Ain’t it Ironic that Mary impregnated herself and had the baby Jesus

Like Isis, Osiris, and Horus yo don’t see the similarities in that

In 03/03/33 there was a man named manny who watched his best friend wither away and die. 

So that made manny want to change his life

He learned to forgive , let go, remain humble and any karma to rectify by him doing this it awakened his third eye

He learned he couldn’t live until he die

Spiritually that is it happened so fast and he’s divinely protected

They say water music and love send the body into a Christ like resurrected

That man in the mirror is the key to enlightenment 

Get to know and fully understand that person before you try

To moved forward with the wool still over your eyes.

God deals with all of us in the way he choose

He don’t make mistakes but accidents sometimes slip by

He sent me the wrong baby daddy twice

Don’t laugh that was that night we was getting high

This is our relationship it’s one of a kind 

He said don’t touch my anointed and due my profit no harm so when it come to me Big G gone a slide

Here’s a short introduction into OneWings life









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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Profoundly deep and thought-provoking. Please to meet you, OneWing33. Thanks for sharing this deep canvassing write. One. Peace and Love.

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TEEDUB815 says:

Nice Write!

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