Imagination_733 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 88

Mother taught me not to live with regret

Father urged me to always tie up loose ends

Pearls of wisdom to live by 

Until that loss of a friend 

Show’s how easy it is to be instructed 

Planning until that nothing becomes something

A loss this large feels like destruction 

I’m going through it

I nearly forgot how to function

Almost a decade without a run-in

No phone calls or emails 

Dead silence

Now if I miss you

All I do is shut my eyelids

For years you approached me

With my unconscious mind coasting 

Didn’t know until now

You were reaching out 

Sending messages to clear the doubt

I catalogued the epilogue

37 and gone too soon

There’s no denying 

Yet I don’t feel regret 

The picture is as clear as the day we met 

But damn, the timing 

Three days and I’m still crying 

Trying to cope..

With the news of you dying 

Written By: Dez Sevena 

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Keep in mind that grief is a child of love, and love eventually heals its own pain. Scripture put it this way: Grief man endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Sometimes, there may be many nights before that morning comes, Imagination_733. Just know that it will come! ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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