thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 17200
contest winner
lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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Views: 98

Half the world feels like it's on fire & it seems like the other half couldn't careless we're talking about thousands of people who've sides in the spand of two months damn near. We're watching as people are being 

forcibly removed from their home's generations upon generations erased those kids those babies they never even stood a chance & the aftermath of it all is something that words can't even begin to describe 

and to add more fuel to the fire this is happening in multiple places around the world seems like our voices aren't enough our anger isn't enough our government is supporting & aiding in all of these genocides

giving away billions of dollars doing the very opposite of what the people been asking for literally giving them more guns more ammunition locations the whole nine these countries streets are filled & paved in blood

schools, hospitals completely obliterated. Innocent civilians woman men children & kids annihilated all for petty a** materials and space there shouldn't be no division about this the world as a whole needs to come 

Together collectively to stop these atrocities I fear that if this doesn't stop soon... well the damage is already in reversible 



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