ts735bSTUDENT10pinz! | Poetry Vibe
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Trumpeting and mythologizing deranged deplorable basket case as demigod



Views: 337

Any idea regarding who unnamed individual earned such lofty title? I offer a clue, that averred person unknown to many others within the webbed, wide world, and familiarity limited to smattered kith and kin. Lemme know if dead giveaway ala handy dandy blues clue prompted that "aha" realization.

Hero worship in the age of cynicism
baffles one disillusioned eccentric,
who prides himself (without prejudice),
bolstered courtesy his sense and sensibility
self actualized ex post facto
compliments of nasty
and brutally destructive

purblind (in retrospect,

raffish, selfish) endeavors
nearly devastating, harpooning

y eye looey fella,

lopping, et cetera

pledged troth July twenty fifth
nineteen hundred and ninety six

made when unbridled marital covenant accepted,

scuttled in favor of liberating libidinal longings
largely licensing licentious liaisons
simultaneously, permanently, and majorly
compromising, jeopardizing, violating
once especially cherished bonds

between father of two darling daughters,
(the eldest - a recent

University of Pennsylvania alumni
approaching her twenty eighth birthday
December 22nd, 2024 -
once upon a time hashtagged as daddy's girl)
cut himself down to size of raw bits
particularly indecorous flagrant callousness
emotional and financial rdliness
he lavished with paltry


acquired scant monies
acquired courtesy family beneficence
(chump change received such as
for mine birthday and holiday gifts -
cashed treasury bonds before maturity)
spent acquisition or borrowed currency
on meager trappings for yours truly
where (barely able,

nay impossible mission) to meet costs

of living social on the MainLine

within Lower Merion School District
offered superlative public education -
to challenge first born GIEP student
and second offspring,
who exhibited developmental delay,
thus whose IEP pared down so she could
rally approbation in the form

of attagirl, kudos, stickers, et cetera)
slightly more manageable,
yet being chronically unemployed

(and unemployable – before qualifying

for government largesse)

until I met criteria
and bankrolled unearned income
to receive social security disability,
still sorely challenged person

writing these words

to meet paying rent and utilities,
and also linkedin
to significant mental health challenges

in tandem with faith no more,
and abandonment of attaining potential smarts
regarding accessing academic gifted aptitude
thwarted, stymied, hijacked to Cuba, et cetera
marked ambivalence toward self success
nearly failed every grade

even kindergarten - ha
and sustained behavioral pattern
earning me poor marks
when launching feeble


attempts to work,
and managed to witness being terminated,
thus accruing splendid curriculum vitae awash
with horrendous, and deleterious feedback
unflattering to say the least
and unfavorable to college/
university admissions officials,
plus being long haired
pencil neck geek
when doos more conservative),

a definite strike against
unseen positive impression
videre licet in the eyes of potential employer,
whereby poor performance
track record signaled a red flag
accumulating over time
to affect dark shadows qua nine inch nails
scratching across outsize blackboard,

foo fighting, beastie boys bullying
scaring the bejesus out of me unsure


outer limits of the twilight zone
inhabited, where the wild things live
hovering at the edge of night

subsequently spurring yours truly

to dejectedly slink along

the hallowed halls of higher learning
to savor the sounds of silence

being secreted and sequestered

within bedroom inside domicile

of my boyhood, adolescence,

and emerging adulthood.

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