Ah... the glory of a restful sleep Nothing beats the refreshing
blissful peaceful easy feeling
resulting from shut-eye after
feeling zonked out staying up
late after a hard day's night
binge reading or slaving o'er
crafting an umpteenth brilliant
masterpiece a comment from
modest sexagenarian oompa
loompa knucklehead waltzing
timid wordsmith experiencing
nirvana dreaming about glory
days of yore when peace on
earth and goodwill toward all
The sequels to All Creatures
Great and Small are All Things
Bright and Beautiful, All Things
Wise and Wonderful, The Lord
Dog Made Them All, and Every
Living Thing enumerated book
titles courtesy the late James
Herriot, a veterinarian whose
predicated stories linkedin on
personal experiences earning
trust among animal kingdom
included within that branch of
life includes the most atrocious,
Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis, high bred poi?t?s of mine ("Thus always I cause the death of tyrants.”)
the purported line Brutus uttered
after assassinating Julius Caesar.
Alternatively titled:
The prose and consequential arguments
for the death penalty.
An attempt to resuscitate
the following rambling missive
written quite some years ago
(being declared dead on arrival
if yours truly took emergency measures
to recruit editorial assistance),
but after re-reading loopy thought process,
I decided to submit to rebukes
and suffer withering criticism
from any anonymous reader.
Ever since the early forerunners
of twenty first century mankind
(sprinted across the trackless expanse
extant upon planet Earth),
modern Homo Sapiens
essentially won out as coterie precursors
sans predominant present day team of rivals.
The zigzag line, |
They got the whole world in their hands Worth north of a trillion dollars,
(plus or minus a billion dollars here and there),
the unnamed obscenely rich,
(which top 15 billionaires
projected to become trillionaires
can be located on the computer courtesy
typing Top 15 billionaires
projected to become trillionaires
into the Google search bar
and clicking EuroNews tab)
will possess more money
than the GDP (gross domestic product =
the total monetary or market value
of all the finished goods and services
produced within a country's borders
in a specific time period) of many countries,
including Switzerland
and most African countries:
many talking heads
bet their bottom dollar
and float the name of Elon Musk
who leads the list
could become the first trillionaire by 2027,
with a net worth value
"growing at an average rate
of 109.88 percent ever... |
Wretched emasculated celibate anchorite (any relationship between the following poem and living persons -
namely the writer of these words ranks as purely coincidental and fictitious).
nevertheless he suffers existential blight
covered head to toe
in black and blue bruises
linkedin wherein
yours truly (himself) did self flagellate,
less for religious reasons,
than cuz he felt contrite
about his mein kampf and hard times,
where purpose driven life
when once upon a time,
he happened to be
a happy go lucky little boy
imbibing rich scents and sensibilities
of mother nature brought delight
observing flora and fauna
while sitting asprawl upon greensward
sharing quietude with Georgie
(his Box/Dalmatian family dog,
they shared the same birthday)
now a doddering blind,
deaf, and dumb old man
Tommy (to me) sensational resplendent
quintessential plane... |
Equitably Delivered Comeuppance Betokens Agony Awareness about behavior,
present since mine days of yore
an unswerving allie analogous
to peacekeeper ending civil war
belated insight suddenly realized
(better late than never) doth underscore
incumbent proactive communication stance
belatedly bestowed omnipotent awareness
crucial fostering ingredient to shore
maternal bond above
bejesus ear splitting roar
I admit regret (to self), there
dost belie suppressed yen to pour
out sorrows 'twixt this sole him son,
and long deceased mother, he
deprived her his love and outwore
the Scottish tartan Harris tweed
welcome (haz) mat, which pained
materialized soon after her death, nor
can compensation be made,
now ex post facto,
when futility of spilt tears got more
gauged and swept away, when
nary a trace I privately cried ... |
Adept Anglophone pines to learn Yiddish as a second language When alive colorful turns of phrases
uttered courtesy my father or mother
whose ability to describe a situation
perfectly verbalized and couched by
a dialect of High German including
some Hebrew and other words now
embolden me - a sexagenarian poet
to embark upon quest shunning aim
buzzfeeding insatiable avocation to
acquire fluency communicating the
tongue spoken by Ashkenazi Jews -
which Semitic peoples populated a
thick trunk line of mine, and crisis
of identity and existentialism rents
psyche, cuz I don't feel linkedin to
any warp and weft nationality akin
to feeling alienated analogous life
likened to being left adrift within
the outer limits of the twilight zone
where dark shadows slither slinky
like across field of view teasing me
to mimic sounds of silence after I
hear the echo of thirteenth century
Jews in German... |
Facilities that claim they recycle spew nothing but rubbish as does yours truly,
whose ecological ethos
goes out the window
into the cold freezing iceland
prompting the following balderdash.
Upon the advent of an unexpected inspection
slated for tomorrow January 24th, 2025
myself and the missus,
(the latter bedridden
due to feeling physically unwell)
scrambled like the ens (Charles to you)
to play merry maid to buckle down
and break a sweat sweeping and vacuuming,
plus applying the BISSELL
Many materials we would ordinarily and regularly
bring to a facility like GIANT,
(a market we ordinarily, rarely,
and unusually purchase food items),
nevertheless our goto place
for purportedly recycling
went into the dumpster
already filled to the brim
just like the nineteen eighties
television commercial with the same name,
w... |
Baneful Brickbats Begat Grievous Barrier Traces of the masterful
impregnable prepubescent wall
still extant scads of decades since
complex edifice erected to force tall
permanently leaving me unmoored,
marooned, and furloughed ready for pall
bearers to spill soil upon my
then emaciated stick figure overall,
an unlovely bag of bones
stripped of flesh,
sans unseen deadly parasites,
who valiantly tried to mothball,
and nearly succeeded, kneaded,
and deeded landfall,
when aghast parents
at wits end betiding,
halting, and ramming ace kickball
player with serious
game of life and death,
the latter cleated toehold
unanimous decision to install
topnotch scorer anticipating
seeing his name plaque mounted
within glass encasement within guildhall,
faintly hearing inaudible teammates
praised showered, visited
I got arrested!... further developments await... By gravity said law
linkedin with physics
stating that a body at rest
will remain thus unless otherwise
acted upon by an external force,
hence I cannot wrest motion
from inert human matter
regarding nearly lifeless entity
concerning how aye barely breathe
heavily weighed down
with lugubriousness easily crushing
this seventy two inch
rusty, cowardly, creaky...
complex corporeal edifice,
thus resigning myself
watching flight of bumblebee
hopscotching from one
clover plant to another
wondrous winged warrior
unphased by human "rat race"
higglety pigglety,
pell mell, helter skelter,
how grand living off the grid
venerating native flora and fauna
simply engrossed with daily tasks
Look no further than the nose on your face... for Mutualism among Homo sapiens
long thought to be a pipe dream
case in point sited by a couple of recent
purportedly natural events possibly
exacerbated courtesy global warming
namely present conflagrations
include veritable towering inferno -
(sharing merest premise
with Hollywood film by the same name,
the highest-grossing
Classic 1970s disaster movie
about a fire that breaks out
in a state-of-the-art San Francisco
high-rise building
during the opening ceremony
attended by a host of A-list guests:
An overworked fire chief
(charging full force like Minnesota Vikings -
or feel free to substitute your own football team)
and the building's architect must cooperate
in the struggle to save lives and subdue panic
while a corrupt, cost-cutting contractor
tries to evade responsibility for the disaster
helped establish the ... |