ts735bSTUDENT10pinz! | Poetry Vibe
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Blasting Brooding Grown "boy" Once Bellowed Soul Fully



Views: 106

The grass thatched windowed
strawberry fielded roof scattered,
ear drums pierced, (i.e. deafening
decibel threshold, an understatement),
bawling at top of newborn lungs

unavoidable, inescapable all encompassing
announcement courtesy
M****** S**** H***** -
the second of umpteen dugger tintype
near identical looking siblings
(analogous to being photographed,

asper silver-copper covered plate)
already angry at me pioneer living
mama and papa taking Irish Twins
to record setting level (pre Guinness Book)

begetting, yet another mouth to feed,

albeit this one scrawny, skinny, and spooky
freshly minted baby already angry
at the wold wod web, some lonely outpost
outcasts all at Poker Flats
back in the day April ix,

eighteen hundred twenty nine,

and hearing of all creatures
great and small within bajillion miles

of settlement deep within
thick "Indian" territory,

where doula of nearest tribe
coached mama, who could give birth
standing on her head while break dancing
prowess on par child bearing
native experiencing parturition

both oblivious to blood curdling outburst,
yours truly rent asunder crisp spring day

echoing wailing still reverberates

hounding restless ghost oof mull
late mum (gone fourteen years,

this early May 18_),
and widower pa, a run for
their cached Money bags
never again testing mettle of wind pipes,

now...nary a tear shed,

cuz ayes all cried out
internalizing emotions like true
purring proud pride licking
frontiersman surviving by instinct!

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