Coalhouse | Poetry Vibe
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Humble appreciation for the love shown to me... Writers must write!

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Time Square New York City 1977 Based on the Movie Taxi Driver



Views: 212

Times Square 

Theater of reality 

Showing matinees and double features

The real movie begins at twilight

Stuck between dusk and dawn the show begins

Human creatures become pleasures seekers

Seeking supple suplication

Opened legs behind closed doors

Living the night life

The nuance of neon excites spandex covered bodies

Moving in formation shaking money makers at passing cars

Deviants camoflaged by innuendo get down in the shadow of the long night

Time Square 

Dirty dollars for dirty deeds

Home of peep shows freak shows 

Cum stains and loose change

Business men with an itch to scratch

Ladies of the night with a trick to catch

Play a delicious game of cat and mouse

Who is the hunted

Who is on the hunt

Pimps peddle flesh with 2 minute trips to heaven

Riding the thighs of pretty angels far from home

Times Square screams a symphony of infamy

Dreams rub up against fantasy

Boys will be girls

Girls will be boys

Switch hitters bat clean up

In bus station bathrooms

Nasty stories scrawled on bathroom stalls with the claws of animals

Animals in human skin

Animals parading in the costume of humans

Animals blowing kisses to the wind

Times Square

You can taste it if you want to

You can touch it if you want to

You can F@ck it if you want to

What you want to do in Time Square

You Square.....

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

Sassy says:

I felt the sadness of this poem, the descent into Lust

Babalo5 says:

Deep. Now just look at today's million-$ squared oppressive slave fantasy! ONE. PEACE AND LOVE, BABALO (aka, mlowe5)

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