Sassy  | Poetry Vibe
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Golden Age



Views: 123

Crumbling, crashing, burying children in rubble

We must take their dreams and hold them in our hearts

It is devasting and heart breaking that this unnatural circumstance arise

That the burial of their children comes before their own 

So sweet the thoughts and purity how can we not reach up and touch the sky line where they now rest

And want this for those of us who remain

Not rot in decripdness of hate, and trolling and discontent

To find the wonder in a bee resting on a flower

Of the natural food found within our own geographic

To rise up our vibration in honour and humility

All this badness is witnessed is seen and noted by most high

Where and who will you be? Have you been when you die?

Is your innocent giving loving and nurturing child heart still alive?

Bless the moments of aloneness and feel their sacred power asking for us to be more 

In Gaza strip, in Yemen, In Iran, In Eukraine they watch through eyes

Gently closed. 


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Beautiful! When my two youngest sons and I soon "meetup", we will have so much catching up on with respect to all these years of having---through keloid memories and the graces of the Creator---been forever spiritually in the onderful onement of the oneness of love. As we continue in our own liberation struggle, let us ever be mindful that fro the Middle Passage, Slavery, Jim Crow, and the present, our Ancestors with less, did more so that we with more, would have less to do (if focused) in our liberating struggle. ONE. Peace and Love.

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